Sunday, 10 April 2011

Everyday I'm shuffling.. a fat little penguin haha..Mmm feel like crap atm.. It's like half jealousy feel and half lonely feel. Why do I always feel like crap == this sucks.. Getting some Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO into my system yo! Failed so hard in badminton tournament.. Dayum .. Last medal with her, couldn't even get a gold. What a noobcake right? I know.. I swear my racket frame is gonna break soon, it always slips outta my hand and if I hold it tight, I get blisters how gay is that huh?

Anyways there's something that's been bothering these few days.. After I had a particular dream, now I'm paranoid that it might happen and if it happens...I wouldn't know what to do. So hopefully it won't happen haha xD. We party rock! In the dream, I was with her and then she told me what she actually thought about me. Then it kinda fast forwarded a few weeks later and she came up to me and ask a me serious question that I couldn't answer on the spot, then the sun came in and I woke up.. Yeah, pretty messed up..

Math assignment due tomorrow..I really should be doing it right now but I'm really not in the mood. I'm angry, jealous, lonely all at the same time. What a pro! Time to get my headphones on and crack this baby up. Brb............................................... I'm back. Missed me? I know you did xD you missed me so much you were gonna start crying soon right? Yea, I'm talking to you.. You know who you are.. ^_^ Aiya.. My goal.. is to reach that point. Will I ever make it there? Where is there you ask.. There is right there.. It's not that after away, but it's slowly moving further and further away. Feel so distant from it, at one point I was standing almost next to it. So close, yet so far.

This is about it for today's post. Sorry.. Always so depressed..

I love you.. I miss you.. Yes, you..

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