Saturday, 18 May 2013

Almost ankle

Yeah! My ankle almost died twice this week! So that means it's time for me to get new shoes right? Shoes can't get enough grip to stop me haha.. BUT.. No money to buy new shoes D: Actually I have the money but it'll basically wipe half my bank to get a pair haha, so I figured it would be more economical for me to clean them! But how do I get into the little indentations of the sole? Well being a dental student.. TOOTHBRUSH!! Gets in the little cracks of your teeth right? So here are the results! And I estimated the shoes are about 2mm thick when they are new.. Now they are 1mm so I've used a bit over half their life!
 After about 20mins!

I think my family maybe undergoing a financial crisis at the moment.. I opened the fridge to find any nice left over cakes from the shop.. And this is what I found sitting in there..

And here is a nice song for you to close your eyes and enjoy 6mins of your life!
4 Strings ft. Seri - Ready to Fall


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