Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Gee Gee..I did it again =_=

Once again..I pissed her off big time.. Mmm my church friend is right..I was born to piss people off. Once again my jealously has made her angry..You peepz must be like..this kid has gotta be the shittest boyfriend in the world. Yea I probs am..but lets hope not.. Got lectured by a little girl..about being over think I am? I'm beginning to think that little girl is right..I probs am.

Wish I could be a better guy..better suited for my awesome girlfriend eh? But..I blame my me all the shit left over genes to make me who I am..diuu.. Ahhh..she's got three bruised toes now wtf..had one before now she's got three and she says it really hurts to walk..I reckon she should go hospital to get it checked out..they might be fractured and will just get worse if she just keep walking.

Who the hell makes their girlfriend cry..seriously..they've gotta be the biggest pricks in the world. That biggest prick is mee.. Me = Ian .. Maybe I ain't cut out to be a boyfriend maybe I'm cut out to be..nothing. But I try anyway and it's been failing pretty bad these few days. Will I ever change? Hopefully. Will I obtain a higher self esteem? Most likely not. Will I ever get less jealous? Maybe. Will I ever be a better guy? Hopefully.

To my lovely girlfriend:
I'm sorry I ruined your day when you were trying to be optimistic all day. Even though you lost your basketball game. I'm sorry I can't make you happy, but I'll try to change into a better guy. I hope your toes get better ^_^. Thank you coming to my corridor today. I felt so happy when I saw you >.< haha
I love you..with all my heart and all my soul. I'm sorry.

1 comment:

RockLii惄 said...

i didnt come to YOUR corridor,, it was the english corridor in general,, felt like walking to there.. haha jks xD it's not ur fault,, so stop blaming urself for everything okay? do that for me! when u blame urself and put urself down, ull soon believe it and it'll come true,,, u better make sure it doesn't or you'll be making alot more people upset than just yourself.. dont do this to urself please~~ im the one who shud be sorry, for doing stupid, reckless things, im sorry.. i dont want either of us.. (just me actually since u didnt) to cry anymore =P