Monday 19 December 2011


So what happened to the short time when everyone would say their emotion then .jpg? Where did it even come from anyway? But yea.. Sorry! I'm up til two again haha.. And I said I wouldn't be D: Forgive me =]

Christmas is coming up! So now I wonder if I'll get what I really want for Christmas.. I wonder I wonder.. Hopefully but most likely I won't since there's lots of barriers blocking us.. Bought a present but now I think it's a shitty present so I'll just keep it for myself I guess.. Oh yea! I bought a shirt the other day xD $12 from JayJays ^_^ Was so happy and thought it would really get your attention, but it didn't until I asked D: Well I still think it is a $12 well spent ^^

So tonight I got scolded again for talking too much by my parents and sister.. I guess I do talk too much shit.. Should shut up yea? But if I shut up people think I'm depressed or sad, maybe I am but not all the time though.. Mom keeps complain that I have too much anger stored inside myself.. I agree, so how can I release this anger? I have no idea xD I wanna move out asap, but I don't have the money to do so haha.. I wonder when I will..

So I forgot if I've told you before in another post, but the watch that I want.. is $600 lol I guess this year's Christmas present will just be the shirt.. Or maybe I'll find something nice in Sydney to make up for it xD.. If only I went back to HK then I'll probs be able to get a new watch for so much cheaper..

Am I gonna sleep tonight? Maybe.. Maybe not.. I really should though, since I'm going out tomorrow but yea.. Maybe I'll sleep on the bus on the way out haha.. Do you ever wanna see what will happen after you die? It seems so attempting to find out which way people will go find you die.. Will you have changed someone's life or will their lives just continue without the slightest interruption?

What would you do, if you found out something that you weren't supposed to know about your half? That information came from a truthworthy source and it could potentially ruin your relationship, would you tell? Or would you carry out pretending not to know and letting your other half carry on thinking you don't know? What. Would. You. Do.

Feeling down again T__T Why do my fun days always end shittily, if that's a word. Goodnight! I love you!

1 comment:

Jun said...

Psst, Liyen! I think he's trying to hint something with the upcoming Christmas present here.. LOL. Ian, why so subtle?

And dude.. the dying thing is something I totes think about sometimes too. Tis innnn tres ting.