Friday 16 September 2011

All these little bloggers..

Woah.. Suddenly there is a burst of people from my school would started blogging! Okay mabes not a burst lol.. Just a couple, well if they were get to this and reads all of it.. Let's hope they don't know that I'm talking shit about them in my older posts =D Well it's 12:30am and I'm here blogging.. Hmm.. I'll go sleep soon =]

Why are these people's blogs so happy? Lol are they just trolling the people who are reading their blogs? Or is it just that my life is so bad >.< Well the blog to to rage about my day and about people, so that I can release all my anger.. Oh hey, maybes that's why my rackets always break, too much anger, too much power, too much..MUSCALLLL!?!?!? Gotta love math teachers. Today my math studies teacher said something that made me crack up xD. The story starts like this.. We just started a new chapter and its on binomial something lol I forgot >_< anywayd its about probabilities.. So he was doing an example regarding tossing a few times and the chances of it get heads or tails. In binomial something.. there is usually a success and a failure.. and this is what my teacher said, "...success is getting head." HAHAHAHAHA COME ON MAN.. That was funny! I don't understand how none of my classmates laughed, maybe coz they're all year 12's and are more mature than that haha. Meh.. I'm still a year 11 I have the right to be immature =]

1 comment:

Jun said...

Firstly, you could always put your profile on private if you reeeally wanted to :) Secondly, you don't even know what trolling means! LASSTTT OF ALLLL that joke wasn't funny.... The shoelace thing at badminton WAS though. HAHA. (Y) coolbeans.