Saturday 22 October 2011


Well there goes my holidays again didn't do anything productive xD.. Gamed like crazy these holidays now its time to fit some studying into my timetable.. Probs be bumming out in state lib since if I'm home all I'll be doing is gaming and house chores haha xD Wanna hang out with me? I'll be in state lib like a nerd ^^ nerding out for 4 weeks then I'm done and chilling out by winging all the year 11 a baus!!

Hmm.. Need to get some new songs to pump me on through me exams heh heh heh.. Some K-Pop, Akcent, and trance.. Weoweoweoweoweo.. Omg games on iTouch, so addictive lmao.. anyone play My Car Salon? hahaha it soooo fun =DDD

Freaking one of the days I was working at the shop, some guy orders an iced coffee and an iced hazelnut coffee, so I went to the till to check the prices and he was like "oh hurry up! It's $8.80" but it was actually $10.10.. I turned around and told him that but then he was like.. No no.. That doesn't add up, $5.30 and $4.80.. and I was like..YEAH EXACTLY $5.30 and $4.80 makes $10.10.. Freaking retard.. Go back to primary school! No I didn't say the last bit xD

Yea..this post has been a draft for like a week now xD

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