Tuesday 8 November 2011

No homo!

So we found a naked man in our house today.. It was quite the pretty site xD
Yes sir! Nothing but a good old cardboard box =D Yes my thighs are REALLY that white..

Did you have fun at school? Hahahaha.. Well today was quite the gaming and studying success day.. Lol not really, time for a shower =D I can't stop staring at the picture.. It's just too...sexy don't you agree? xD

Well laters! Time for shower and come out smelling nice like you =D

1 comment:

Jun said...

On the contrary- VERY homo. Oh sigh. This is what happens after I don't see you for like a million years. If you needed clothes YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED ME FOR MONEY, you poor child. hhahahah Jk, money is for me. Not gonna ask why so gay cause I'm guessing its something riiiiiiiidiculous xD anywho DUDE! Listen to Turbulence by Steve aoki. gogogogo. Put it in your car and TURN IT UP YOOOOO. Seeyou around, boobface :D