Monday 7 November 2011

Did you miss me?

Long time no post.. Due to me being very busying with girlfriend, Battlefield 3, DotA, and exam preparations.. So the other day I was walking past a mirror to go to the bathroom for a nice cold shower, and I was like O_o sexy beast in the mirror? I took a look and I almost puked lolol.. what I saw.. Not hot at all man..
I mean.. LOOK AT THAT STOMACH!! IT'S A DAD STOMACH T__T.. My six pack dream has been crushed D: Well at least I had a good laugh =D so did my mom when I showed her the picture xD

Mmm no school this week =D then a week of school then I'm done! Can't wait yo! Maybe I'll get to go HK this summer holidays.. Maybe.. Anyways since you cannot fulfill your promise I guess you're gna have to get punishment right? heh heh heh.. Nah jokes I'll be nice, as long as you don't waste that time ==

I hope my sister gets forced to go to church camp ahah then there'll only be my bro and I staying at home.. And we can have a good bonding time a.k.a. DotA all night =D lol jokes.. We're not that nerdy xD I wonder when DotA 2 is coming out.. I don't wanna study for Specialist Math, I'm gna do so bad anyways T__T.. how gay I've been stuck on an A- then whole year lol.. If I get pushed up to an A that'll be good xD

Anyways I'm out! Cya later!

1 comment:

RockLii惄 said...

Who's your new sexy friend? LOL ;P