Sunday 7 August 2011

Happy 18th Birthday 楊珺雯~!

Yo happy birthday =D.. had a shit day right? I'm sorry D: Well at least have fun tonight yeah? Don't drink too much though, it's not sexy at all lol xD.. Big girl now.. Can legally drink and buy drinks =D so better get some for me right? Haha..jokes.. I don't hang out with you peoples..*sigh* so loner.. no friends D= The things I do for you..and what do I get in return? "...I'd hate to teach a prick like you!" I hope you liked your presents haha xD Not that great right? haha well at least I put some thought and time into them ^^ and it came from the heart.. that's all that matters yea? =D

Dinner timess cya later!! Woah..all my posts have been short ahha.. LIKE JAMION'S DICK LOLOLOL

1 comment:

Jun said...

hahah always the one to pay young Jamion out. LOL but seriously, when you talk about how you act in class, you sound like you'd be troublesome to teach!! Being all 'siu lam kung fu hou yehhhhhhh' hahah. wtfbbq that didn't make sense. But you know I'm just kidding :) Thanks for the present, i shall enjoy all the eating. Getting wider by the minute. Hahah its awesome. thanks for just being around, appreciate all you've done! Best friend forever man, like a wolf pack. Made of two wolves. Plus maybe lee-yen cause she probably will follow me. Haha and jamion can come too. So our gang of four can be awesome sauce. Came from your heart... CONDOMS CAME FROM YOUR HEART!? LOLOL. good one (Y)