Tuesday 9 August 2011

so many birthdays~!

Today.. Happy Birthday to Phil Wong and Miss Adelaide Bower!! Four birthdays in the last three days, that's pretty extreme right? I think it is anyway xD

Hmm, you never blog anymore! Not pushing you to blog or anything lol. Coz if I do, then the blog won't be from the heart and then it'll be shit haha xD Well I guess it's a good thing though, that means you don't have any shit feelings right? Or are you just keeping them up inside you? If you are, you should talk to me in person then if you don't want other people reading about it on your blog.

Pumped to kick some badminton ass tomorrow at Open Boys Knockout ^^ Mabes I should go full out and try to rape them 21-1 or something haha =D will be funny XD unfortunately we got some shit player on the team who I had to choose because he was just too crazy about it lol, he keeps going to the sport coordinator and asking when it is haha. Even the sports coordinator was like "Man, Robert is driving nuts!" so funny haha xD

So hard to type this post, if you haven't realised yet, I didn't use any of my two full-stop things haha!! Not that I'm stopping or anything, I'm just experimenting haha =D Damnit I miss that full-stop thing haha I love it so much! xD

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