Wednesday 8 June 2011

Seriously.. I wanna cry..

Don't wanna read a depressed post? Stop now.

Man wtf..seriously.. Okay I got into state team, but now for the individuals part of the event I have to partner someone from interstate, I don't mind for mens doubles, but also for mixed.. Coach.. Are you fucking serious? fuck off man.. you can go eat a dick seriously.. Now I don't even feel like playing anymore freaking hell. This is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Obviously I acted like it's okay in front of you coz it was your choice but still.. you should know that I wanted to partner her and not some random chick from interstate ffs.. You're a great friend and coach but you can take this decision that you made and shove it up your dick. Fucking rediculous..

Where are you when I need you bra? Come sit and talk to me.. I'm so sad.. I'm on the verge of crying and you're not here.. Why is the world crumbling down on me right now.. State team.. no partner, soccer I'm forced to be keeper every match, Maths I'm doing fairly bad, my family hates me.. I would just give up here.. but then you would be angry at me for giving up so easily.. So I guess I gotta fight on, and do my best yea? Okay now I'm tearing this sucks.. Seriously just imagining Nationals.. Before today my image of Nationals would be fun, now its just hell.

Time for studying.. Byebyee

1 comment:

Jun said...

:\ i'm still going to make it fun, don't worry bout a thing! Cheer up yo! Proud of you for not giving up.